坂角總本舖 Shrimp Crackers - 5 Pieces
- $18.00
- 3 or more $15.00
- Availability:From Japan (10)
- Brand: 坂角總本舖
- Model: WEGEE-FJ100070-5
- Reward Points: 18
- Price in reward points: 1800
- Visit Store: WeGee Global
Tags: WeGee, Online Food Court, Japan Snacks, Shrimp Crackers, japan, chips, wegee-fj100070-5, 坂角總本舖
在官網上面看到"日本第1回 全國お土產總選舉 ゆかり獲選第3名 "
這煎餅取名為さくさく日記的意思是希望吃這煎餅能像寫日記ㄧ樣,每天吃也不膩, さくさく是吃起來很清脆的意思,把捕獲上岸的蝦子去殼,磨成蝦泥烤成煎餠, 每一枚都做成一口大小, 小小ㄧ包裡面有十來片,第一次吃到さくさく日記, 是在小田急百貨中,當時走的有些倦,加上已經玩了整個日本半圈, 累積了相當程度的疲累, 坐在百貨公司的椅子上, 想歇息ㄧ會兒, 拿出剛買的坂角總本舖的兩小包さくさく日記,吃了起來, 蝦子煎餅入口的瞬間, 我精神全來了, 小小的ㄧ枚煎餅散發出如此濃厚的鮮蝦味, 沒有兩三下,蝦子煎餅跟干貝煎餅吃了一個都不剩, 當時的感覺只能用驚艷來形容
坂角總本舖創立於明治22年(1889年), 歷經了ㄧ百多年的老店, 創始於愛知縣,從江戶時代以來網燒法,把蝦子的味道焙的更濃郁, 坂角總本舖的看板商品有
日本有名的美食評論家 岸朝子也曾在朝日新聞中推薦過さくさく日記 , 不僅味美含有豐富的鈣質, 沒想到吃點心也能吃到營養呀 !
Country/Region of Manufacture | |
Made in | Japan |
Stock Status | |
Location | Japan |
WeGee Global Buy
*Free Shipping on order over $120, otherwise we will charge flat rate $40 for the order below $120. Some of the products may not be able to ship out during this hard time.
*Customs duties need to be paid by customer. If the package is returned and any loss is caused by non-payment of duties, the customer will be responsible for it.
*Notice to Customer: the "Best by" date on packaging is not an expiration date. Example: "赏味期限 2020.2.25" (Best by). These are suggested "Best by" dates, known as "shomikigen" in Japan, by Japanese manufacturer and are applied to the foods that last longer and can be consumed within 1 month after the date.
*Due to COVID-19, some of Japan products may not be able to ship on time or even not be able to ship out. If the order is not be able to ship out, we will contact you to cancel the order ASAP. Thanks for your understanding and stay safe.
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